However, no matter how many improvements the school is making, Lori said the number one thing that contributes to students graduating is parental support. Parental support! She was basically shouting it from the roof tops that having parents at home who help their kids with homework, stay on top of their school work, come to parent teacher conferences, and participate in their child�s schooling in any way is the biggest and most positive thing that can effect a student�s success in school. Not only does it affect their schooling but it affects their futures. Students with parental support are more confident and can see a future for themselves. Lori shared how her students that have the support at home excel and are motivated. But she also shared many storied how students were so close or showed so much potential but because the support wasn't there they gave up or turned away.
So parents remember, the next time you are frustrated that your child doesn't want to do their homework or you feel that you don�t know how much good you are actually doing, THEY NEED YOU! Never give up on your kids. Ever!
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