Welcome Baby helps to start new playgroups in our community. Currently we have playgroups in Orem, Pleasant Grove, and Provo. Our Provo playgroup leader is Cindy Primrose and she has done an awesome job! This past month she did an ocean themed playgroup and here's how it turned out. Feel free to recreate her ideas in one of your own playgroups.
"Today we had an ocean theme playgroup. When the children arrived they could choose the playdough table or the water table. At the playdough table I placed shells and mermaid tears (glass beads, you can find these at the dollar store) and blue playdough ( the ocean) The children pressed the shells and mermaid tears in the dough, making interesting imprints. They also enjoyed covering the shells and mermaid tears with the "ocean" and digging them out. (This idea came from the blog Raise Up A Child)
At the water table, I placed two bins filled with water. I added a few drops of food coloring to make the water blue. I put in some sea animals and some plastic coral. The children had fun splashing and letting the animals swim around. This was also a great way to introduce vocabulary.
For story time we read the book Ten Little Fish. By Audrey Wood. It is a counting book with wonderful illustrations of ocean life.
Our craft for the day was making fish. I cut fish out of white construction paper. We used sequins, colored macaroni (put macaroni in baggies. Put several drops of food coloring on macaroni. Close bag and squish the macaroni around to distribute color. Spread macaroni on cookie sheet to let dry.) small pieces of tin foil, wiggly eyes, crayons, markers and glue, to decorate the fish. Each fish was colorful and unique. This was an easy project that worked with different age levels.
For snack we served goldfish crackers and blue punch. Finger play idea:All the fish are swimming in the water, swimming in the water, swimming in the water.All the fish are swimming in the water. Bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble, POP!(hands swim like a fish. Make your fingers in the shape circles for the bubbles and float upward. Clap on the pop!)" -Cindy
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