4th of JULY Craft, Snack and Decoration! - Best Baby Strollers

Happy 4th of July! Here's some fun things to do in a playgroup or just with your own kids to make the 4th a special fun day. Start the morning off by painting 
 white stars on the grass in your front yard. Use a poster board or a large piece of cardboard as a stencil. Use white spray paint to fill in the star shape. The paint will eventually wash off or be cut off next time you mow the lawn. 


Then go inside to cool off and make some fruit kabobs with blueberries, strawberries or raspberries and bananas as a snack. 

Finish off the morning or afternoon with some some patriotic wands. Tie ribbons to the top of a chop stick or skewer stick. These will be fun toys to use while watching fireworks. 

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